Damage and Nuisance Trees
Issues of damage and nuisance come down to definition by legal professionals, not by an arborist. The input from an arborist may however influence how these definitions are interpreted in a legal context.
Arboricultural assessments of tree-related problems where damage or nuisance are perceived as significant issues need to be robust, objective and pragmatic. This can only realistically happen if the arborist has the depth of experience coupled with formal qualifications that can withstand intensive scrutiny from legal professionals.
At Tree3 Ltd we have a diverse range of practical tree management experience bolstered by formal arboricultural qualifications that provide firm foundations for any assessment and reporting work we carry out. We also have extensive experience defending our assessments in formal hearings and court rooms where our diversity of experience and knowledge lends vital credibility to our interactions with decision-makers.
Contact us for advice about all kinds of tree problems.