Resource Consents & Protected Trees
An arboricultural report is an integral component of the development and resource consent process whenever formally-protected trees and vegetation are involved. Specific and accurate information about the trees and vegetation in question (such as location, condition, structural integrity, health and vigour) will need to be detailed. The report will also need to identify the nature of the work to be undertaken and, where necessary, propose appropriate tree protection measures.
An effective arboricultural report will provide credibility and legitimacy to proposed tree removals or other works which could potentially adversely affect retained trees and vegetation. This will speed up the progress of the application through the planning process. Tree protection rules can be confusing at times, especially in light of recent changes associated with the formulation of the Auckland Unitary Plan. Tree3 Ltd will ascertain which tree rules are relevant to each project and apply the necessary level of detail required to progress the project through the planning process.
Engaging the services of a professional arborist at the design stage of any project can save vast amounts of time and money by identifying trees that should be removed or retained prior to drawing up an initial set of plans. Trees often provide the most significant limiting factors to a development proposal and investing in expert arboricultural advice at the outset will effectively manage any such limitations before they become a very real and very expensive problem.
Arboricultural involvement will almost always be required once consent has been issued for a project involving protected trees. Tree3 Ltd has the capacity to offer the complete suite of tree management services from start to finish of any tree-related project, ranging from the initial site appraisal through to the consent application stage and post-consent site and tree management requirements.
Contact us to discuss your tree-related resource consent requirements.