Works Arborist Services
The services of a Works Arborist (or Monitoring Arborist) will be required when conditions of consent require that works in the vicinity of protected trees must be monitored by an arborist. This usually involves a pre-start meeting where everybody involved with the practical aspects of the project meet on site to discuss all relevant matters and, if trees are present, there will normally be a works arborist and council monitoring officer present.
Such monitoring of site works needs to be documented in order to be effective – there will usually be a requirement from council for a project completion report from the works arborist to confirm that all works around protected trees was carried out as required by the consent conditions. This will be in addition to any other unforeseen events that may have occurred during the project and required arboricultural intervention by the monitoring arborist.
Tree3 Ltd has extensive experience managing such projects to address the requirements of consent conditions and produce comprehensive reporting during and after the course of the project. Our practical experience enables us to provide robust and effective remedial recommendations if and when unforeseen circumstances arise that could possibly harm retained trees. In an ideal world no such circumstances would arise; unfortunately in the real world sometimes people do make mistakes or unforeseeable incidents occur. When that happens damage limitation can be maximised by swift and effective remedial action based on extensive arboricultural experience and knowledge.
Contact us today for more information about the role of a works arborist.