Trees and Development
There is a statutory requirement to protect trees on development sites in accordance with council consent conditions. These consent conditions can either be in the form of an arborist report or can be written by the council planner. Either way they will typically require a pre-start site meeting where tree protection requirements and any pruning or removal works will need to be clarified, along with any other restrictions relating to retained trees. There will also be a requirement for ongoing monitoring of the site by a professional arborist to ensure consent conditions are followed and retained trees are adequately protected for the duration of the project. Consent conditions usually include a requirement for a project completion memo to be provided by the works arborist. This document will summarise any tree management works during the project and provide an assessment of any impacts on retained trees arising from works associated with the project.
Tree3 Ltd can manage all these aspects, either by being involved from the start of the project or by being engaged at the site works stage. We can provide project management services for any and all of the phases of a tree-related development project.
Tree3 Ltd specialises in writing arboricultural reports for projects where trees are involved and also carries out the ongoing tree-related management of the site throughout the duration of the project including any necessary reporting and liaison with council officers.
Contact us today for more information on managing trees and development.