Project Management
Tree3 Ltd can provide the entire range of arboricultural services for a project from advising on what trees are worthy of retention and what trees should be removed from a newly-acquired site through to provision of a professional arborist report to support the proposal. We can provide tree removal and / or pruning services once consent has been granted and subsequent ongoing site management, monitoring and appropriate reporting for the duration of the project in accordance with relevant consent conditions.
It can save a great deal of time and money if the site owner engages a competent arborist at the outset to ascertain which trees, if any, are likely to be material constraints to the proposed development. Once this has been assessed the proposal can move forward into the design stage and then the consent application stage, safe in the knowledge that robust and pragmatic tree management principles have been employed which in turn will facilitate a smoother progression through the consent process.
Tree3 Ltd can give informed guidance as to the potential status of protected or valued trees (i.e. which are worth keeping and which could or should be removed) and articulate such guidance into a professional arboricultural report format to support a consent application. We can also manage any removal or pruning requirements that may arise prior to works commencing and can provide the works arborist facility for managing the site during construction in accordance with relevant conditions of resource consent.